Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stealer of an idea

I read Whoa My Horses blog over the weekend and saw the Spin Cycle post. This got me to thinking about my kids at school. In Texas, our fourth grade students have to take a TAKS writing test. The mode of writing has always been a personal narrative prompt. So this got me to thinking that I could do something like this with my fourth graders and their writing.

I came up with a certificate to hand out at the end of the week to the best composition in each class I teach. Now we give out tickets like you would get a movie theater, ect. for homework done, doing something without being told, etc...as rewards for good classroom behavior. Then they can take the tickets and purchase things in our classroom store at the end of each six weeks. So, I though why not attach 10 tickets to the winning certificate. Now, I also thought well this would be a motivator for the ones who already are good writers, but what about the ones who don't want to put forth effort to try. So, I decided that if one person won the certificate/tickets then they cannot win again...they can receive another certificate but not the tickets so then I would have to pick someone else to receive the tickets. Then I would post it on my website at school for the parents to see.

I'm hoping this would encourage those that even finish a composition will attempt to do so. When I do my conferencing with them, it ends up that I do the revising and editing for them. And believe it or not, they let me!!! So maybe this will keep them from using me as their brain and imagination.

The theme for our certificate is based on the Spin Cycle idea. It is called Spin a Tale. I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings for using their idea and making if fit for my student's at school. I'm so so so sorry if I have. Please let me know if you would prefer me not to use it.

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