First I've got to say that I need to be more diligent with my postings. I'm not sure if anyone reads them or not. So maybe if I blog more someone might read them. Having said that, I've got some things I'm thankful/proud of today.
The first one is it was such a BEAUTIFUL day today. It was neither too hot, nor too windy. It was the kind of day that you knew spring was here. The wind was blowing JUST enough to keep you cool. It was so nice outside. With being so nice outside I decided to get off my duff and ride one of the two rideable horses we have.
That brings me to the second thing I'm proud of today. I caught Copper, saddled him, and Jenn are you ready for this...I got on him. I rode that big bad stead for about 45 min. We just meandered around the front acre several times. Then we went around the second acre several times. Then back up to the front. I even walked through the poles, and around the barrels a couple of times. Yes, around the barrels (walking of course). So I decided I was through with that and headed to the back 3 acres. We walked through low hanging tree limbs, down some pretty steep washouts, back up the washouts, all the while with dogs following. They would actually walk under and around Copper's feet. They are small dogs and have been kicked and stepped on by all three horses. You'd think they'd have learned by now. Believe it or not, Copper did not do one thing other than duck his head, swing his head back at me to get at the flies. The flies were the biggest problem I had with Copper. Bless his heart they were eating him alive.
I am so proud of myself for having the nerve to get on him. I think I like riding him. I know I know, I haven't been to an alley of an arena yet. That might be a different story. He might act a complete fool, who knows. But for now, it's the small steps that count.
Confession . . .
James 5:16
confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may
be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth muc...
13 years ago