Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baby's First Vet's Visit

Today was Satch's first visit to the vet's office. I sure hope it doesn't leave a bad mental blurr in his mind. The little guy was gelded today. Dara and I got to watch the whole procedure. It's not much different than castrating a calf. I felt so sorry for him.

We had to take his buddy with him in order for him to get in the trailer. It was pretty easy...once Rhum walked in we just had to give Satch a little coaxing with a few smooches and in he went. He never really fought us AT ALL. He just wasn't sure what we wanted him to do until Rhum climbed in. Now coming out was a different story. He was too scared to put his feet down on the ground. He hesitated a few times and then just stepped off like he'd been doing it all his life. He really is a pretty smart little guy. We really haven't found anything that he is terrified of. There are times, of course, that he is a little skittish. But, isn't that how all babies act?
By the way Jennifer, that is Rhum in the background. You really can't tell much about him other than how big he is to be a year and 17 days.

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