Friday, February 6, 2009

My Little Tanner

I'm so upset I could literally shoot someone right now. The neighbor two doors down stopped me in the road to tell me my Tanner got attacked by a pack of dogs from across the street from them. He told me his wife heard their dogs (in a fence) carrying on, and her horse making a commotion, and looked out and saw a pit bull with what she thought was a rabbit or a small cat. But as they got closer it wasn' was my 2 year old Chihuahua Tanner. This is the second fight he has been in. The first one costs us around $400 in vet bills. The second one cost him his life, and the loss of my sweet little man.

So needless to say, if I see those dogs they are dead. Everyone in the neighborhood have lost many dogs, a show rabbit, a show goat, many cats, and house pets. They have tried to attack another neighbor's yearlings they raise and sell. So I guess I'm going to be the one to get rid of these killers.

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