The mobile home park where our double-wide sits, told us that we were being evicted for only being 11 days late on rent. On the 11th we were told, the 17th, we received a court appearance letter for eviction from the constable to appear on the 25th in the kicker...we are going to be 100% moved off their property by the 20th which is this I looked up on the Internet and found out that by TX law they have to wait three days from notice of late rent to notice vacate...we were given a letter that stated we were 11 days late, and at the same time got a notice to vacate (they were stapled together) that is not waiting the 3 by the time we go to court we will not even be living on their property. So now what is the court going to say about this?
I'm not disputing that we owe rent. That's a fact...we'll pay the rent for this month 20 days late, because we knew we were moving. Now, I'm only going to pay rent up to the day we leave the premises which will be 20 days. So that is $240 pro-rated to the 20th plus any late charges. I may be wrong about this, but this landlord is what is called a slumlord.
If you could only see where we live, you'd understand. It is a husband and wife...the husband said that he's going to hate to see us move because we have the best looking place in the park, now the wife says that she can't wait for us to move. The lot we are on is almost an acre, so I'm thinking that she wants to take this piece of land and subdivide it up so that she can move at least 3 more trailers on here and charge over $400 for rent. The plat says that there are 2 lots here not one, and she'll find a way around that and move more on here.
Anyway, I'll be glad when I don't have to pay rent to anyone!!!!
Confession . . .
James 5:16
confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may
be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth muc...
13 years ago
Sorry that you have been having such a harrowing month . . . but keep on plodding through.
It will eventually get better . . . or you will pass out from the stress of it all and wake up in a padded room wearing a nice new jacket. In which case, you'll have very few worries cause you'll probably be heavily sedated.
I'm sorry.
That's my little dream come true. Your will probably just get better.
I'm so glad you're getting out of there!
I am also glad you did some research and looked to see what the law said! I don't know what the court will say about that, but I bet you could do some additional research and find out!
ve you are absolutely right about that. I have a feeling that before all is said and done I'll be in that rubber room. It can only get better from here.
I feel like the alcoholic who has hit their bottom...up is the only way to go now.
I'm going to call the court today and tell them the situation, and see what they say. I have a feeling...probably not...that they will dismiss it, and all we'll have to do is pay the prorated amount for this month. A person can only hope.
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