Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I just screwed up

I lost all my blogs I'm following on my blog page. HELP!! I don't know what I did. I was trying to add a video, and my whole entire blog page changed. I tried to return it back to what it was before...but to no avail. I don't know what to do???? Even the font sizes changed. What to do What to do???!!! If anyone can help let me know.

Dara NBHA 4/26

Monday, April 27, 2009

Video on Youtube

Dara's run that I commented on in the post before is on youtube, title Dara NBHA Cleburne 4/26. I never could upload the video to here.

Beating one's own time or winning

We went to an NBHA in Cleburne Sunday. For some reason Dara doesn't like the outdoor arena. She entered the youth and the open. She usually carries her time over to the open, but she decided to ride in the open instead.

She had a smoking run for her...she ran a 17.8. The winning time was a 16.0...so she was just 1.1 off the fastest time. You can't even take a breath that quick. That is the fastest she's EVER run in the outdoor pen. When it came time to run in open, she ran a 18.1, and the winning time was a 16.1. That was only 2 seconds off the winning time. I know, I know, I know 2 seconds is a big gap especially in barrel racing.

The good part was that Molly Powell was there. I think she ran a 16.3 or 4. So that made Dara run only a little over a second slower, almost two seconds, than Molly. That in itself is a great accomplishment.

But the BIG thing was that she beat her all time fastest time. She normally runs a 19 or 20 in that pen. The difference you ask? She borrowed a shin guard from a friend. She told me that with the shin guard she didn't have to look down at the barrel and worry the whole time that she was going to smash her knee into it. All this time I refused to buy her some because I thought that would give her an excuse to not try to stay off the barrels. If I had known it would work I'd done it all long time ago. I'm going to try to upload the video that run for all to see.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So proud of myself

I have been one of the biggest chickens in the world especially when it comes to thinking about getting on Copper. In the past I have ridden her horses around a little. Since he was a half a hair away from being blown up before Dara and Copper went to Jennifer and fixed the problem, I have been way too scared to even think about sitting on him.

Monday afternoon I took them to Rendon for Dara to get some practice in before this Sunday. After Dara got done with all her exhibitions, I told her I wanted to ride Copper and cool him down for her. So I climbed on him, nervous as hell. He stood still while I got my feet in the stirrups, and got settled. I asked him to walk off, and HE DID!!! Dara said good luck...and by the way stay out his mouth (this came from Dara?) and away from the alley. I knew that I wasn't going near the alley anyway. So, I took off toward the front parking lot. He was a dream for me. I cowgirl upped, got brave, and walked him inside the arena (not the actual arena but inside the arena where the stands are). We walked to announcers stand and stood between the stand and the bleachers. He did absolutely nothing. I walked him halfway down between the announcers stand and the alley area...he DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I was scared out of my mind that he would act up with me and I'd fall and get hurt...I have no sick days left until June 4. I walked him around the back parking lot area by the alley, and he did nothing.

I know you guys are laughing your asses off right now, but this is a HUGE step for me. I NEVER thought I'd ever get on Copper's back for anything. I did it and that is a big mountain I overcame. So, I'm thinking that I might get on him some more and walk around. I've always wanted to beat Dara at her own game on her own horse. If we still had Gus I know I'd be there by now, that was the best learner horse in the world. Copper on the otherhand, is for experienced riders only. So maybe just maybe I'll do it.

It would help if I had someone who would help me get my seat and balance, or just to ride with without Dara around.

Maybe, I'll eventually get up the nerve to walk him around an alley and into the arena. Who knows....